
  1. Check for Expired Accounts
    Select Check for Expired Accountsto verify that no expired accounts exist. If found, resolve them before continuing.
  2. Create File
    Select Create a New Upload Fileto create a new journal.xx... upload file if one for the desired period has yet to be created.
  3. Download File
    Goto the Filespage, download and save the desired journal.xx... file to your local hard drive.
  4. Download Template
    Goto the Filespage, download and save the Excel template file to you local hard drive if not done so previously. Note: It should be the file at the top of the file listing.
  5. Open Template
    Open the Excel template file. A file explorer window should open asking you to select an input file. Note: You will need to "Enable Content" if this is the first time the template has been used.
  6. Open, Review and Approve File
    Select the desired, downloaded journal.xx... file and review the results. Return to the Filespage when satisfied with its contents and proceed to step (7).
  7. Upload File
    Goto the Filespage, locate the desired journal.xx... file and select "Upload" to upload the file to the A&FS server.